


Coneix l’equip

A Enlighten, som un equip i una comunitat de professors d’idiomes natius de diferents països totalment dedicats i experimentats. Professionals de la lingüística altament qualificats. Tenim màsters i/o certificats per l’ensenyament d’idiomes estrangers.

Som creatius i proporcionem una àmplia gamma de materials perquè la teva experiència sigui estimulant i efectiva tant si ets un estudiant principiant o avançat.

El fet d’haver viscut i viatjat per diferents parts del món ens ha fet sensibles a les experiències i qüestions que poden sorgir en iniciar-te en un nou idioma. Establir objectius i avaluar el teu progrés de forma regular és una part important del nostre servei.

Esperem que junts puguem emprendre aquest viatge lingüístic únic i meravellós!

Estem aquí per motivar-te i desafiar-te!

Co-founder / Managing Director Enlighten

Caitrin Lepeltier:

Growing up in a multicultural environment I understood from an early age the importance of acquiring strong communication skills to enjoy life fully and face the challenges of a diverse and ever-changing world around me.

Learning new languages can be exhilarating and allows us to connect with people on a deeper level and discover new cultures.

I started my career in Paris working in public relations where speaking foreign languages was a vital tool in reaching out to clients abroad and creating new markets.
In 2013 after a change in my career path and years of experience as an English teacher, I created Enlighten Languages. The aim is to provide students with a unique learning opportunity related to their personal needs or that of their company.
I am personally committed to making sure each and every course is effective and meaningful, enabling students to reach their fullpotential inside and outside the workplace. Today I am proud to work with an exceptional team of qualified, motivated, teachers in France and Spain from different countries and professional backgrounds. Each one brings to our Enlighten team a unique story, talent and personality.
We have a common goal: we want to equip our students for fluent and coherent communication across the globe. I hope you will be part of our exciting enterprise!

School Coordinator


Hi! I’m Daniel from eastern Pennsylvania. I have two roles at Enlighten: School Coordinator and teacher. My role as a School Coordinator is to organize our students’ classes to make sure they fit as perfectly as possible into their busy weekly schedules. I also facilitate the link between our clients and our team, assisting with the weekly reporting. I particularly enjoy working on our immersion programmes abroad and advising clients about courses, destinations and I stay in touch during their stay with our partner schools all over the world to ensure they are getting the very best experience. Having grown up with an American father and an Italian mother, I understand the importance of being able to communicate with people from different countries and I realize the difficulties linked to learning a new language. My main goals as a teacher are to make sure I always offer an interesting and fun experience to every one of my students to boost their confidence through tailor-made activities.

Pedagogical Manager


Hello! I’m Ric from Exeter in the south-west of England. As pedagogical manager in France I am here to help the team with teaching materials which are specifically designed to the students needs. I believe that every person is unique and therefore requires a unique learning experience. Working in this role is also rewarding as I am in contact with students and teachers at all times so can keep track on the progress each individual makes throughout their lessons. My goal when teaching is to enable the student to speak confidently about all aspects of life, both general and specific to business. I believe in active and lively lessons, In which the student can learn whilst debating real life situations with passion. I enjoy being part of the Enlighten team in Lyon, as I am able to meet people from all walks of life who have different language orientated goals.

Head of French as a Foreign Language


My name is Stefan. I am from Auxerre, the department of Yonne in France. I studied management, information systems and French as a Foreign Language in Lyon. On a parallel to a few years of research in semantics, I started a career in teaching very early on at University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, in different schools, companies and also individuals. I taught FLE in France and abroad, especially in Denmark. I am passionate about Scandinavia. Enlighten entrusts me with the management and educational responsibility of courses in French as a Foreign Language. Enlighten works in total confidence with its team of teachers who, in order to respond to the requirements of their learners, implement their own tools and their methodology as well. The diversity and creativity of each teacher is an invaluable asset in achieving progress with our students.We also create and organize intensive courses, total immersion in the true spirit of discovery. Indeed, our pedagogical approach is based on active approach, ie to really live into the foreign language in order to use it effectively with real language skills. This approach involves creating diverse scenarios during the courses, and the practice of new skills in very real situations, in the context of immersion courses. The main purpose of our Enlighten school is to support our learners efficiently and with goodwill throughout their foreign language learning journey. We help them succeed in their project of becoming independent speakers and therefore opening up to the world.

English Teacher & Head of Translations


Hi, my name is Anne-Marie and I come from Melbourne, Australia. I have been living in Lyon for 6 years and have been part of the Enlighten team for nearly two years. I do telephone lessons, in-company teaching and translations for Enlighten, and feel that the team atmosphere is really what makes Enlighten different, as it creates a relaxed and friendly environment for the teachers and the students. I have a Masters degree in translation, which I enjoy because it allows me to think about and participate in the relationship between language and culture. My priority as a teacher is to help my students to feel comfortable and relaxed in English, and to encourage them to view language learning as an interesting experience rather than just a tool or an obligation. In the classroom I try to create a friendly and informal environment where students can express themselves without stress.

English Teacher & Business Developer Nice

Jay T.:

Hi, my name is Jay and I am the team leader in the south of France for Enlighten team Nice! I’m originally from Newport Beach, California and have an extensive background in finance and accounting. I’m happy to say that I’ve lived on four different continents, travelled to over 60+ countries, lived in New York City and Philadelphia for four years apiece and speak 3 languages. Since arriving in France over 6 years ago, I have focused solely on teaching English (perhaps less money but way more satisfying!). Aside from teaching English, my students appreciate my laid-back Californian attitude, passion for improving their English and the fact that we can discuss at length anything and everything under the sun! That is all for now with my sincere thanks and appreciation!

English Teacher & Team Leader Toulouse


Hello! I’m Marie, an English teacher from Philadelphia in the US. Growing up with an American father and a French mother, I became aware of the particular issues that speakers of multiple languages face. I’ve been living and teaching in Toulouse for six years and enjoy helping business professionals and independent learners alike progress towards their goals, gain confidence, and feel at ease as they discover the satisfaction of expressing themselves in English. I find purpose in giving my students the tools they need and in guiding them as they pursue their interests. I joined the Enlighten team in 2015.

English Teacher & Team Leader Paris


Hi! I’m Antonio from Oxford in the UK. I have been living in France and particularly in the Paris region since I left university (not Oxford university 🙂 ) back in the early 90s.
I have been an English language trainer for many years, but only recently joined the Enlighten training team.
Being bilingual in French and English enables me not only to better understand the mistakes French learners make, but also the difficulties and challenges they are confronted with when communicating in English.
Whenever possible I try to demonstrate the connections and patterns that exist between French and English and as a result this encourages risk taking and develops self-confidence, both of which are crucial in language learning.

English Teacher


My name is Liam, and I’m originally from sunny Tampa, Florida. After working in the field of Human Resources for several years and helping other people find their perfect careers, I decided it was time to follow my own advice. I arrived in Lyon in 2015, and I’ve been teaching English ever since which I find very rewarding. I especially enjoy teaching Business English and preparing students for English proficiency examinations. Working with the Enlighten team is fun and varied and our courses are an excellent way to help students develop their confidence and proficiency in both learning and using the English language. I enjoy every minute with our students. Language is about communication, and my goal is to help you find your “voice” in English.

English teacher


Hello! I’m Sophie and I’m an English teacher from Leicestershire in England. I have been teaching English for 3 years. After completing my training in Argentina I went on to work for several language institutes and bilingual primary schools teaching students of all ages and abilities. I joined the Enlighten team in Toulouse this year. Thanks to my background in Drama and Modern Foreign Languages my teaching style is energetic and informal with lots of role plays, games and debates.

English Teacher


Hi, I’m Esther! I’m from near Birmingham in England and studied French at the University of Leeds. I joined to the Enlighten team in October. Enlighten provides a fun, relaxed, and practical way to teach and learn languages. Enlighten allows flexibility to organise personalised lessons, so that they fit in with the student and the teacher – making it possible for you to learn languages amidst your busy, daily life. I believe that in learning a language, speaking early and often is key. Whatever your interests, I try to tailor lessons to things that students enjoy talking about. Personally, I love food so I enjoy exploring the similarities and differences between French and British cuisine. I often use videos and role plays to help students improve pronunciation, vocabulary, and most importantly, confidence!

English Teacher


I previously worked as a lawyer in the UK and my business background makes understanding the demands of students easier. By drawing upon my own professional skills I am able to enhance students learning experience by relating my classes to true life. I am delighted to be part of the Enlighten team. I have been teaching English in Lyon for about 3 years to a variety of students but particularly enjoy Enlighten as my students are very motivated and want to learn. I also appreciate the team spirit at Enlighten as there is a real willingness to work together.

English teacher


Hello! My name is Rosario. I recently started to work with Enlighten in Toulouse, France. I come from a bilingual and bicultural family, English mother and Spanish father. Therefore, I started studying Translation and Interpretation to stimulate my curiosity for modern languages and cultures.
My experience in teaching started at my mother’s English academy in Spain. Furthermore, I have worked as a Language Assistant in Toulouse where I also decided to do a Master’s in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. This experience confirmed my desire of becoming a teacher! I realised that I am dedicated teacher for whom teaching, and pleasure go hand in hand. I rely heavily on forming good relationships with my students. I also believe that innovation and creative ideas are active learning techniques that encourage and engage students in my classes.

English Teacher


Hello! I’m Patrick, and I’m originally from a town near Miami, Florida, in the United States. I moved to Bordeaux in 2017, after a few years of traveling throughout the world. I have a Masters degree in a discipline related to history, and I teach lower level university courses to students in the US via the internet. I’ve been teaching English here in France for a bit longer than a year, while simultaneously learning the French language (so I’m a student, too!) I have extensive teaching experience in a traditional classroom/group setting, as well as experience teaching in companies and in a one-on-one setting with individual students. My teaching style is relaxed and fun while still focusing on the student’s goals – I find that when students are at ease, they express more confidence in their abilities and are better able to retain new information. I’m glad to be a part of the Enlighten team and am eager to meet and work with students in Bordeaux.

English Teacher


Hey I’m Alex. I joined the Enlighten team recently and am an English trainer based in Bordeaux. I come from Kent in England and have been in France since 2015. What I enjoy most about teaching is enabling a person to grow, overcome fears and gain new abilities. Aiding development in others and watching their confidence expand is a real pleasure. Here in Bordeaux I am the Enlighten Team leader and enjoy coordinating our work and schedules as well as organizing events in your companies and afterworks. When I’m not at work you’ll probably find me in the kitchen experimenting with a new dish, at a café with my head down in a great book, tinkering with my bike or enjoying a lovely glass of Bordeaux red with my pals at a terrace.

English teacher


Hi, I’m Fiona, and I’m originally from the UK. However, I moved to France in 2016 from South Africa, where I’d been living for five and a half years, working in an orphanage and a school for disadvantaged children. I originally trained as a Speech and Language Therapist and worked for the National Health Service for several years before giving it all up to move to South Africa. I love teaching English, because I’m passionate about helping people develop to their full potential and speak English well so that they can communicate more effectively in this globalised world. In the words of Nelson Mandela, “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart”. I try to make my lessons fun, engaging and relevant to the needs of individual students, using a wide range of resources and materials to help them develop their skills. I love seeing people develop and grow in confidence in their abilities, daring to speak English as and when required. I am delighted to be part of the Enlighten team based in Rennes.

English Teacher


Hello, my name is Willow, I’m originally from Leeds in the North of England! I moved to France when I was just a child. My parents wanted me and my siblings to be bilingual, so I totally understand how intimidating learning a new language can be! I strive to make my lessons fun, dynamic and tailored to your needs. My objective is to give the skills needed to tackle real life and professional situations in English with confidence. Don’t be scared, challenging yourself is what learning is all about. I’m crazy about history, culture and literally anything to do with art. I love working on the Enlighten team in Bordeaux and living in my adoptive country France; nevertheless I am still a British girl at heart…

English Teacher


Hello! I’m Elisabeth, initially from Sheffield in England and now settled in Marseille. I did an MA in English Literature and after several years working as a teacher in the classroom now choose to give training in companies. I’m delighted to be able to work with enlighten who invest in each individual’s needs… and know that to keep making progress, you have to keep having fun! I enjoy tailoring courses that will develop real skills as well as their curiosity for the English language.

English teacher


Hi Guys, I’m Nicky. I’m 34 years old from Wales, UK and I’m still pretty fresh to the teaching game, but I’m definitely loving every minute of it. I moved to Lyon Nov 2017 from Australia, where I lived for 4 years. With a strong passion for travel, culture, food (especially cheese) and adventure, France seemed like the perfect place to be. I love the language, the city and France itself, and I look forward to embarking on this new journey with all of you.

English Teacher


Hi! I’m Nick from Miami, FL in the US. I joined the Enlighten team in 2018 in Paris. Though my background is in Engineering, I have been teaching English since 2010 when I moved to Italy. This drastic career change was due to my love of languages. I’ve been living in France for about a year now, which is exciting for me as I’ve been studying French since I was a child.

English Teacher


English teacher
